Source code for cobra.core.ArrayBasedModel

from sys import maxsize
from warnings import warn
from six import iteritems

from numpy import array, ndarray
from scipy.sparse import lil_matrix, dok_matrix

from .Model import Model

[docs]class ArrayBasedModel(Model): """ArrayBasedModel is a class that adds arrays and vectors to a cobra.Model to make it easier to perform linear algebra operations. """ def __init__(self, description=None, deepcopy_model=False, matrix_type='scipy.lil_matrix'): """ description: None | String | cobra.Model deepcopy_model: Boolean. If True and description is a cobra.Model then make a deepcopy of the Model before creating the ArrayBasedModel. matrix_type: 'scipy.lil_matrix' or 'scipy.dok_matrix' Specifies which type of backend matrix to use for S. """ if deepcopy_model and isinstance(description, Model): description = description.copy() Model.__init__(self, description) self._S = None self.matrix_type = matrix_type self.update() # no setter for S at the moment @property def S(self): """Stoichiometric matrix of the model This will be formatted as either :class:`~scipy.sparse.lil_matrix` or :class:`~scipy.sparse.dok_matrix` """ return self._S @property def lower_bounds(self): return self._lower_bounds @lower_bounds.setter def lower_bounds(self, vector): self._update_from_vector("lower_bounds", vector) @property def upper_bounds(self): return self._upper_bounds @upper_bounds.setter def upper_bounds(self, vector): self._update_from_vector("upper_bounds", vector) @property def objective_coefficients(self): return self._objective_coefficients @objective_coefficients.setter def objective_coefficients(self, vector): self._update_from_vector("objective_coefficients", vector) @property def b(self): """bounds for metabolites as :class:`numpy.ndarray`""" return self._b @b.setter def b(self, vector): self._update_from_vector("b", vector) @property def constraint_sense(self): return self._constraint_sense @constraint_sense.setter def constraint_sense(self, vector): self._update_from_vector("_constraint_sense", vector)
[docs] def copy(self): """Provides a partial 'deepcopy' of the Model. All of the Metabolite, Gene, and Reaction objects are created anew but in a faster fashion than deepcopy """ the_copy = Model.copy(self) the_copy.update() return the_copy
[docs] def add_metabolites(self, metabolite_list, expand_stoichiometric_matrix=True): """Will add a list of metabolites to the the object, if they do not exist and then expand the stochiometric matrix metabolite_list: A list of :class:`~cobra.core.Metabolite` objects expand_stoichimetric_matrix: Boolean. If True and self.S is not None then it will add rows to self.S. self.S must be created after adding reactions and metabolites to self before it can be expanded. Trying to expand self.S when self only contains metabolites is ludacris. """ Model.add_metabolites(self, metabolite_list) if self._S is not None and expand_stoichiometric_matrix: s_expansion = len(self.metabolites) - self._S.shape[0] if s_expansion > 0: self._S.resize((self._S.shape[0] + s_expansion, self._S.shape[1])) self._update_metabolite_vectors()
def _update_from_vector(self, attribute, vector): """convert from model.reactions = v to model.reactions[:] = v""" # this will fail if vector is the wrong length getattr(self, attribute)[:] = vector def _update_reaction(self, reaction): """Updates everything associated with the of reaction. reaction: A cobra.Reaction object, or a list of these objects. WARNING: This function is only used after the Model has been converted to matrices. It is typically faster to access the objects in the Model directly. This function will eventually moved to another module for advanced users due to the potential for mistakes. """ if not hasattr(reaction, '__iter__'): reaction = [reaction] Model._update_reaction(reaction) for the_reaction in reaction: try: reaction_index = self.reactions.index( except KeyError: warn( + ' is not in the model') continue # zero reaction stoichiometry column the_column = self._S[:, reaction_index] for nonzero_index in the_column.nonzero()[0]: the_column[nonzero_index, 0] = 0 self._lower_bounds[reaction_index] = the_reaction.lower_bound self._upper_bounds[reaction_index] = the_reaction.upper_bound self.objective_coefficients[ reaction_index] = the_reaction.objective_coefficient self.add_metabolites(the_reaction._metabolites) # Make sure that the metabolites are the ones contained in the # model the_reaction._metabolites = [self.metabolite.get_by_id( for x in the_reaction._metabolites] # Update the stoichiometric matrix metabolite_indices = map( self.metabolites.index, the_reaction._metabolites) for (index, metabolite_index) in enumerate(metabolite_indices): self._S[metabolite_index, reaction_index] = \ the_reaction.stoichiometric_coefficients[index]
[docs] def add_reactions(self, reaction_list, update_matrices=True): """Will add a cobra.Reaction object to the model, if is not in self.reactions. reaction_list: A :class:`~cobra.core.Reaction` object or a list of them update_matrices: Boolean. If true populate / update matrices S, lower_bounds, upper_bounds, .... Note this is slow to run for very large models and using this option with repeated calls will degrade performance. Better to call self.update() after adding all reactions. If the stoichiometric matrix is initially empty then initialize a 1x1 sparse matrix and add more rows as needed in the self.add_metabolites function """ Model.add_reactions(self, reaction_list) if update_matrices: self._update_matrices(reaction_list)
[docs] def remove_reactions(self, reactions, update_matrices=True, **kwargs): """remove reactions from the model See :func:`cobra.core.Model.Model.remove_reactions` update_matrices: Boolean If true populate / update matrices S, lower_bounds, upper_bounds. Note that this is slow to run for very large models, and using this option with repeated calls will degrade performance. """ Model.remove_reactions(self, reactions, **kwargs) if update_matrices: self._update_matrices()
def _construct_matrices(self): """Large sparse matrices take time to construct and to read / write. This function allows one to let the model exists without cobra_model.S and then generate it at needed. """ self._update_matrices() # This does basic construction as well. def _update_reaction_vectors(self): """regenerates the lower_bounds, upper_bounds, and objective_coefficients vectors. WARNING: This function is only used after the Model has been converted to matrices. It is typically faster to access the objects in the Model directly. This function will eventually moved to another module for advanced users due to the potential for mistakes. """ self._lower_bounds = LinkedArray(self.reactions, "lower_bound") self._upper_bounds = LinkedArray(self.reactions, "upper_bound") self._objective_coefficients = LinkedArray(self.reactions, "objective_coefficient") def _update_metabolite_vectors(self): """regenerates _b and _constraint_sense WARNING: This function is only used after the Model has been converted to matrices. It is typically faster to access the objects in the Model directly. This function will eventually moved to another module for advanced users due to the potential for mistakes. """ self._b = LinkedArray(self.metabolites, "_bound") self._constraint_sense = LinkedArray( self.metabolites, "_constraint_sense") def _update_matrices(self, reaction_list=None): """ reaction_list: None or a list of cobra.Reaction objects that are in self.reactions. If None then reconstruct the whole matrix. NOTE: reaction_list is assumed to be at the end of self.reactions. In the future, we'll be able to use reactions from anywhere in the list WARNING: This function is only used after the Model has been converted to matrices. It is typically faster to access the objects in the Model directly. This function will eventually moved to another module for advanced users due to the potential for mistakes. """ # no need to create matrix if there are no reactions or metabolites if len(self.reactions) == 0 and len(self.metabolites) == 0: return elif len(self.metabolites) == 0: self._update_reaction_vectors() return elif len(self.reactions) == 0: self._update_metabolite_vectors() return # Pretty much all of these things are unnecessary to use the objects # and interact with the optimization solvers. It might be best to move # them to linear algebra modules. If no reactions are present in the # Model, initialize the arrays if self._S is None or reaction_list is None: reaction_list = self.reactions SMatrix = SMatrix_classes[self.matrix_type] self._S = SMatrix((len(self.metabolites), len(self.reactions)), model=self) self._update_reaction_vectors() else: # Expand the arrays to accomodate the new reaction self._S.resize((len(self.metabolites), len(self.reactions))) lower_bounds = array([x.lower_bound for x in reaction_list]) upper_bounds = array([x.upper_bound for x in reaction_list]) objective_coefficients = array([x.objective_coefficient for x in reaction_list]) self._lower_bounds._extend(lower_bounds) self._upper_bounds._extend(upper_bounds) self._objective_coefficients._extend(objective_coefficients) coefficient_dictionary = {} for the_reaction in reaction_list: reaction_index = self.reactions.index( for the_key, the_value in the_reaction._metabolites.items(): coefficient_dictionary[(self.metabolites.index(, reaction_index)] = the_value self._S.update(coefficient_dictionary)
[docs] def update(self): """Regenerates the stoichiometric matrix and vectors""" self._update_matrices() self._update_metabolite_vectors()
class LinkedArray(ndarray): """A :class:`numpy.ndarray` which updates an attribute from a list""" def __new__(cls, list, attribute): # construct a new ndarray with the values from the list # For example, if the list if model.reactions and the attribute is # "lower_bound" create an array of [reaction.lower_bound for ... ] x = array([getattr(i, attribute) for i in list]).view(cls) return x.copy() def __init__(self, list, attribute): self._list = list self._attr = attribute def __setitem__(self, index, value): ndarray.__setitem__(self, index, value) if isinstance(index, slice): for i, entry in enumerate(self._list[index]): setattr(entry, self._attr, value) else: setattr(self._list[index], self._attr, value) def __setslice__(self, i, j, value): ndarray.__setitem__(self, slice(i, j), value) if j == maxsize: j = len(self) if hasattr(value, "__getitem__"): # setting to a list for index in range(i, j): setattr(self._list[index], self._attr, value[index]) else: for index in range(i, j): setattr(self._list[index], self._attr, value) def _extend(self, other): old_size = len(self) new_size = old_size + len(other) self.resize(new_size, refcheck=False) ndarray.__setitem__(self, slice(old_size, new_size), other) class SMatrix_dok(dok_matrix): """A 2D sparse dok matrix which maintains links to a cobra Model""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): dok_matrix.__init__(self, *args) self.format = "dok" self._model = kwargs["model"] if "model" in kwargs else None def __setitem__(self, index, value): dok_matrix.__setitem__(self, index, value) if isinstance(index[0], int) and isinstance(index[1], int): reaction = self._model.reactions[index[1]] if value != 0: reaction.add_metabolites( {self._model.metabolites[index[0]]: value}, combine=False) else: # setting 0 means metabolites should be removed metabolite = self._model.metabolites[index[0]] if metabolite in reaction._metabolites: reaction.pop(metabolite) def tolil(self): new = SMatrix_lil(dok_matrix.tolil(self), model=self._model) return new class SMatrix_lil(lil_matrix): """A 2D sparse lil matrix which maintains links to a cobra Model""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): lil_matrix.__init__(self, *args) self.format = "lil" self._model = kwargs["model"] if "model" in kwargs else None def __setitem__(self, index, value): lil_matrix.__setitem__(self, index, value) if isinstance(index[0], int): metabolites = [self._model.metabolites[index[0]]] else: metabolites = self._model.metabolites[index[0]] if isinstance(index[1], int): reactions = [self._model.reactions[index[1]]] else: reactions = self._model.reactions[index[1]] if value == 0: # remove_metabolites met_set = set(metabolites) for reaction in reactions: to_remove = met_set.intersection(reaction._metabolites) for i in to_remove: reaction.pop(i) else: # add metabolites met_dict = {met: value for met in metabolites} for reaction in reactions: reaction.add_metabolites(met_dict, combine=False) def update(self, value_dict): """update matrix without propagating to model""" if len(value_dict) < 100: # TODO benchmark for heuristic for index, value in iteritems(value_dict): lil_matrix.__setitem__(self, index, value) else: matrix = lil_matrix.todok(self) matrix.update(value_dict) self = SMatrix_lil(matrix.tolil(), model=self._model) self._model._S = self def todok(self): new = SMatrix_dok(lil_matrix.todok(self), model=self._model) return new # TODO: check if implemented before using own function def resize(self, shape): matrix = lil_matrix.todok(self) matrix.resize(shape) self = SMatrix_lil(matrix.tolil(), model=self._model) self._model._S = self SMatrix_classes = {"scipy.dok_matrix": SMatrix_dok, "scipy.lil_matrix": SMatrix_lil}