Source code for cobra.flux_analysis.deletion_worker

from multiprocessing import Queue, Process, cpu_count

from ..solvers import get_solver_name, solver_dict
from six import iteritems

[docs]def compute_fba_deletion_worker(cobra_model, solver, job_queue, output_queue, **kwargs): solver = solver_dict[get_solver_name() if solver is None else solver] lp = solver.create_problem(cobra_model) solver_args = kwargs solver.solve_problem(lp) while True: indexes, label = job_queue.get() label = indexes if label is None else label result = compute_fba_deletion(lp, solver, cobra_model, indexes, **solver_args) output_queue.put((label, result))
[docs]def compute_fba_deletion(lp, solver_object, model, indexes, **kwargs): s = solver_object old_bounds = {} for i in indexes: reaction = model.reactions[i] old_bounds[i] = (reaction.lower_bound, reaction.upper_bound) s.change_variable_bounds(lp, i, 0., 0.) try: s.solve_problem(lp, **kwargs) except Exception as e: return RuntimeError("solver failure when deleting %s: %s" % (str(indexes), repr(e))) status = s.get_status(lp) objective = s.get_objective_value(lp) if status == "optimal" else 0. # reset the problem, which must be done after reading the solution for index, bounds in iteritems(old_bounds): s.change_variable_bounds(lp, index, bounds[0], bounds[1]) if status == "infeasible" or status == "optimal": return objective else: return RuntimeError("solver failure (status %s) for when deleting %s" % (status, str(indexes)))
[docs]class CobraDeletionPool(object): """A pool of workers for solving deletions submit jobs to the pool using submit and recieve results using receive_all """ # Having an existing basis makes solving an existing LP much faster. The # most efficient approach is to have a worker function which modifies an LP # object and reverts it back after each calculation. Each lp object stores # the basis so subsequent LP's are solved more quickely, and memory does # not need to be re-allocated each time to create a new problem. Because # state is being saved, the workers in the deletion pool are careful about # reverting the object after simulating a deletion, and are written to be # flexible enough so they can be used in most applications instead of # writing a custom worker each time. def __init__(self, cobra_model, n_processes=None, solver=None, **kwargs): if n_processes is None: n_processes = min(cpu_count(), 4) # start queues self.job_queue = Queue() # format is (indexes, job_label) self.n_submitted = 0 self.n_complete = 0 self.output_queue = Queue() # format is (job_label, growth_rate) # start processes self.processes = [] for i in range(n_processes): p = Process(target=compute_fba_deletion_worker, args=[cobra_model, solver, self.job_queue, self.output_queue], kwargs=kwargs) self.processes.append(p)
[docs] def start(self): for p in self.processes: p.start()
[docs] def terminate(self): for p in self.processes: p.terminate()
def __enter__(self): self.start() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.terminate()
[docs] def submit(self, indexes, label=None): self.job_queue.put((indexes, label)) self.n_submitted += 1
[docs] def receive_one(self): """This function blocks""" self.n_complete += 1 result = self.output_queue.get() if isinstance(result[1], Exception): raise result[1] return result
[docs] def receive_all(self): while self.n_complete < self.n_submitted: self.n_complete += 1 result = self.output_queue.get() if isinstance(result[1], Exception): raise result[1] yield result
@property def pids(self): return [ for p in self.processes] def __del__(self): for process in self.processes: process.terminate() process.join()
[docs]class CobraDeletionMockPool(object): """Mock pool solves LP's in the same process""" def __init__(self, cobra_model, n_processes=1, solver=None, **kwargs): if n_processes != 1: from warnings import warn warn("Mock Pool does not do multiprocessing") self.job_queue = [] self.solver_args = kwargs solver_name = get_solver_name() if solver is None else solver self.solver = solver_dict[solver_name] self.lp = self.solver.create_problem(cobra_model) self.solver.solve_problem(self.lp) self.model = cobra_model
[docs] def submit(self, indexes, label=None): self.job_queue.append((indexes, label))
[docs] def receive_one(self): indexes, label = self.job_queue.pop() result = compute_fba_deletion(self.lp, self.solver, self.model, indexes, **self.solver_args) if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result return (label, result)
[docs] def receive_all(self): for i in range(len(self.job_queue)): indexes, label = self.job_queue.pop() result = compute_fba_deletion(self.lp, self.solver, self.model, indexes, **self.solver_args) if isinstance(result, Exception): raise result yield (label, result)
[docs] def start(self): None
[docs] def terminate(self): None
def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): None