Source code for cobra.flux_analysis.moma

from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix

from ..solvers import get_solver_name, solver_dict

[docs]def create_euclidian_moma_model(cobra_model, wt_model=None, **solver_args): # make the wild type copy if none was supplied if wt_model is None: wt_model = cobra_model.copy() else: wt_model = wt_model.copy() # ensure single objective wt_obj = wt_model.reactions.query(lambda x: x > 0, "objective_coefficient") if len(wt_obj) != 1: raise ValueError("wt_model must have exactly 1 objective, %d found" % len(wt_obj)) obj = cobra_model.reactions.query(lambda x: x > 0, "objective_coefficient") if len(obj) == 1: objective_id = obj[0].id else: raise ValueError("model must have exactly 1 objective, %d found" % len(obj)) wt_model.optimize(**solver_args) for reaction in wt_model.reactions: # we don't want delete_model_gene to remove the wt reaction as well reaction.gene_reaction_rule = '' if reaction.objective_coefficient != 0: reaction.objective_coefficient = 0 reaction.upper_bound = reaction.lower_bound = reaction.x = "MOMA_wt_" + for metabolite in wt_model.metabolites: = "MOMA_wt_" + # make the moma model by combining both moma_model = cobra_model.copy() for reaction in moma_model.reactions: reaction.objective_coefficient = 0 moma_model.add_reactions(wt_model.reactions) return moma_model, objective_id
[docs]def create_euclidian_distance_objective(n_moma_reactions): """returns a matrix which will minimze the euclidian distance This matrix has the structure [ I -I] [-I I] where I is the identity matrix the same size as the number of reactions in the original model. n_moma_reactions: int This is the number of reactions in the MOMA model, which should be twice the number of reactions in the original model""" if n_moma_reactions % 2 != 0: raise ValueError("must be even") n_reactions = n_moma_reactions // 2 Q = dok_matrix((n_reactions * 2, n_reactions * 2)) for i in range(2 * n_reactions): Q[i, i] = 1 for i in range(n_reactions): Q[i, n_reactions + i] = -1 Q[n_reactions + i, i] = -1 return Q
[docs]def create_euclidian_distance_lp(moma_model, solver): Q = create_euclidian_distance_objective(len(moma_model.reactions)) lp = solver.create_problem(moma_model, objective_sense="minimize", quadratic_component=Q) return lp
[docs]def solve_moma_model(moma_model, objective_id, solver=None, **solver_args): solver = solver_dict[solver if solver else get_solver_name(qp=True)] lp = create_euclidian_distance_lp(moma_model, solver=solver) solver.solve_problem(lp, **solver_args) solution = solver.format_solution(lp, moma_model) solution.f = 0. if solution.x_dict is None \ else solution.x_dict[objective_id] moma_model.solution = solution return solution
[docs]def moma(wt_model, mutant_model, solver=None, **solver_args): if "norm_type" in solver_args: print("only euclidian norm type supported for moma") solver_args.pop("norm_type") moma_model, objective_id = create_euclidian_moma_model(mutant_model, wt_model) return solve_moma_model(moma_model, objective_id, solver=solver, **solver_args)
[docs]def moma_knockout(moma_model, moma_objective, reaction_indexes, **moma_args): """computes result of reaction_knockouts using moma""" n = len(moma_model.reactions) // 2 # knock out the reaction for i in reaction_indexes: mutant_reaction = moma_model.reactions[i] mutant_reaction.lower_bound, mutant_reaction.upper_bound = (0., 0.) result = solve_moma_model(moma_model, moma_objective, **moma_args) # reset the knockouts for i in reaction_indexes: mutant_reaction = moma_model.reactions[i] wt_reaction = moma_model.reactions[n + i] mutant_reaction.lower_bound = wt_reaction.lower_bound mutant_reaction.upper_bound = wt_reaction.upper_bound return result