Source code for

import re
from uuid import uuid4
from warnings import warn

from numpy import array, object as np_object
from import loadmat, savemat
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

from .. import Model, Metabolite, Reaction

# try to use an ordered dict
    from scipy.version import short_version
    scipy_version = int(short_version.split(".")[1])
    # if scipy version is earlier than 0.11, OrderedDict will not work, so use
    # a dict instead
    if scipy_version < 11:
        dicttype = dict
        from collections import OrderedDict as dicttype
    del short_version, scipy_version
except ImportError:
    dicttype = dict

# precompiled regular expressions
_bracket_re = re.compile("r\[[a-z]\]$")
_underscore_re = re.compile(r"_[a-z]$")

def _get_id_comparment(id):
    """extract the compartment from the id string"""
    bracket_search = _bracket_re.findall(id)
    if len(bracket_search) == 1:
        return bracket_search[0][1]
    underscore_search = _underscore_re.findall(id)
    if len(underscore_search) == 1:
        return underscore_search[0][1]
    return None

def _cell(x):
    """translate an array x into a MATLAB cell array"""
    x_no_none = [i if i is not None else "" for i in x]
    return array(x_no_none, dtype=np_object)

[docs]def load_matlab_model(infile_path, variable_name=None): """Load a cobra model stored as a .mat file infile_path : str variable_name : str, optional The variable name of the model in the .mat file. If this is not specified, then the first MATLAB variable which looks like a COBRA model will be used """ data = loadmat(infile_path) if variable_name is None: # skip meta variables meta_vars = {"__globals__", "__header__", "__version__"} possible_names = sorted(i for i in data if i not in meta_vars) if len(possible_names) == 1: variable_name = possible_names[0] if variable_name is not None: return from_mat_struct(data[variable_name], model_id=variable_name) for possible_name in possible_names: try: return from_mat_struct(data[possible_name], model_id=possible_name) except ValueError: None # If code here is executed, then no model was found. raise Exception("no COBRA model found")
[docs]def save_matlab_model(model, file_name, varname=None): """Save the cobra model as a .mat file. This .mat file can be used directly in the MATLAB version of COBRA. model : :class:`~cobra.core.Model.Model` object file_name : str or file-like object """ if varname is None: varname = str( \ if is not None and len( > 0 \ else "exported_model" mat = create_mat_dict(model) savemat(file_name, {varname: mat}, appendmat=True, oned_as="column")
[docs]def create_mat_dict(model): """create a dict mapping model attributes to arrays""" model = model.to_array_based_model() rxns = model.reactions mets = model.metabolites mat = dicttype() mat["mets"] = _cell(mets.list_attr("id")) mat["metNames"] = _cell(mets.list_attr("name")) mat["metFormulas"] = _cell([str(m.formula) for m in mets]) try: mat["metCharge"] = array(mets.list_attr("charge")) * 1. except TypeError: # can't have any None entries for charge, or this will fail pass mat["genes"] = _cell(model.genes.list_attr("id")) mat["grRules"] = _cell(rxns.list_attr("gene_reaction_rule")) mat["rxns"] = _cell(rxns.list_attr("id")) mat["rxnNames"] = _cell(rxns.list_attr("name")) mat["subSystems"] = _cell(rxns.list_attr("subsystem")) mat["csense"] = "".join(model._constraint_sense) mat["S"] = model.S if model.S is not None else [[]] # multiply by 1 to convert to float, working around scipy bug # mat["lb"] = array(rxns.list_attr("lower_bound")) * 1. mat["ub"] = array(rxns.list_attr("upper_bound")) * 1. mat["b"] = array(mets.list_attr("_bound")) * 1. mat["c"] = array(rxns.list_attr("objective_coefficient")) * 1. mat["rev"] = array(rxns.list_attr("reversibility")) * 1 mat["description"] = str( return mat
[docs]def from_mat_struct(mat_struct, model_id=None): """create a model from the COBRA toolbox struct The struct will be a dict read in by """ m = mat_struct if m.dtype.names is None: raise ValueError("not a valid mat struct") if not set(["rxns", "mets", "S", "lb", "ub"]) <= set(m.dtype.names): raise ValueError("not a valid mat struct") if "c" in m.dtype.names: c_vec = m["c"][0, 0] else: c_vec = None warn("objective vector 'c' not found") model = Model() if "description" in m.dtype.names: = m["description"][0, 0][0] elif model_id is not None: = model_id else: = "imported_model" for i, name in enumerate(m["mets"][0, 0]): new_metabolite = Metabolite() = str(name[0][0]) new_metabolite.compartment = _get_id_comparment( try: = str(m["metNames"][0, 0][i][0][0]) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass try: new_metabolite.formula = str(m["metFormulas"][0][0][i][0][0]) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass try: new_metabolite.charge = float(m["metCharge"][0, 0][i][0]) int_charge = int(new_metabolite.charge) if new_metabolite.charge == int_charge: new_metabolite.charge = int_charge except (IndexError, ValueError): pass model.add_metabolites([new_metabolite]) new_reactions = [] for i, name in enumerate(m["rxns"][0, 0]): new_reaction = Reaction() = str(name[0][0]) new_reaction.lower_bound = float(m["lb"][0, 0][i][0]) new_reaction.upper_bound = float(m["ub"][0, 0][i][0]) if c_vec is not None: new_reaction.objective_coefficient = float(c_vec[i][0]) try: new_reaction.gene_reaction_rule = str(m['grRules'][0, 0][i][0][0]) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass try: = str(m["rxnNames"][0, 0][i][0][0]) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass try: new_reaction.subsystem = str(m['subSystems'][0, 0][i][0][0]) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass new_reactions.append(new_reaction) model.add_reactions(new_reactions) coo = coo_matrix(m["S"][0, 0]) for i, j, v in zip(coo.row, coo.col, model.reactions[j].add_metabolites({model.metabolites[i]: v}) return model
def _check(result): """ensure success of a pymatbridge operation""" if result["success"] is not True: raise RuntimeError(result["content"]["stdout"])
[docs]def model_to_pymatbridge(model, variable_name="model", matlab=None): """send the model to a MATLAB workspace through pymatbridge This model can then be manipulated through the COBRA toolbox variable_name: str The variable name to which the model will be assigned in the MATLAB workspace matlab: None or pymatbridge.Matlab instance The MATLAB workspace to which the variable will be sent. If this is None, then this will be sent to the same environment used in IPython magics. """ if matlab is None: # assumed to be running an IPython magic from IPython import get_ipython matlab = get_ipython().magics_manager.registry["MatlabMagics"].Matlab model_info = create_mat_dict(model) S = model_info["S"].todok() model_info["S"] = 0 temp_S_name = "cobra_pymatbridge_temp_" + uuid4().hex _check(matlab.set_variable(variable_name, model_info)) _check(matlab.set_variable(temp_S_name, S)) _check(matlab.run_code("%s.S = %s;" % (variable_name, temp_S_name))) # all vectors need to be transposed for i in model_info.keys(): if i == "S": continue _check(matlab.run_code("{0}.{1} = {0}.{1}';".format(variable_name, i))) _check(matlab.run_code("clear %s;" % temp_S_name))