14.1.4. cobra.io package Submodules cobra.io.json module


Load cobra model from a json string


Load a cobra model stored as a json file

file_name : str or file-like object

cobra.io.json.save_json_model(model, file_name, pretty=False)[source]

Save the cobra model as a json file.

model : Model object

file_name : str or file-like object


Save the cobra model as a json string cobra.io.mat module


create a dict mapping model attributes to arrays

cobra.io.mat.from_mat_struct(mat_struct, model_id=None)[source]

create a model from the COBRA toolbox struct

The struct will be a dict read in by scipy.io.loadmat

cobra.io.mat.load_matlab_model(infile_path, variable_name=None)[source]

Load a cobra model stored as a .mat file

infile_path : str

variable_name : str, optional
The variable name of the model in the .mat file. If this is not specified, then the first MATLAB variable which looks like a COBRA model will be used
cobra.io.mat.model_to_pymatbridge(model, variable_name='model', matlab=None)[source]

send the model to a MATLAB workspace through pymatbridge

This model can then be manipulated through the COBRA toolbox

variable_name: str
The variable name to which the model will be assigned in the MATLAB workspace
matlab: None or pymatbridge.Matlab instance
The MATLAB workspace to which the variable will be sent. If this is None, then this will be sent to the same environment used in IPython magics.
cobra.io.mat.save_matlab_model(model, file_name, varname=None)[source]

Save the cobra model as a .mat file.

This .mat file can be used directly in the MATLAB version of COBRA.

model : Model object

file_name : str or file-like object cobra.io.sbml module

cobra.io.sbml.add_sbml_species(sbml_model, cobra_metabolite, note_start_tag, note_end_tag, boundary_metabolite=False)[source]

A helper function for adding cobra metabolites to an sbml model.

sbml_model: sbml_model object

cobra_metabolite: a cobra.Metabolite object

note_start_tag: the start tag for parsing cobra notes. this will eventually be supplanted when COBRA is worked into sbml.

note_end_tag: the end tag for parsing cobra notes. this will eventually be supplanted when COBRA is worked into sbml.

cobra.io.sbml.create_cobra_model_from_sbml_file(sbml_filename, old_sbml=False, legacy_metabolite=False, print_time=False, use_hyphens=False)[source]

convert an SBML XML file into a cobra.Model object. Supports SBML Level 2 Versions 1 and 4. The function will detect if the SBML fbc package is used in the file and run the converter if the fbc package is used.

sbml_filename: String.

old_sbml: Boolean. Set to True if the XML file has metabolite formula appended to metabolite names. This was a poorly designed artifact that persists in some models.

legacy_metabolite: Boolean. If True then assume that the metabolite id has the compartment id appended after an underscore (e.g. _c for cytosol). This has not been implemented but will be soon.

print_time: deprecated

use_hyphens: Boolean. If True, double underscores (__) in an SBML ID will be converted to hyphens

cobra.io.sbml.fix_legacy_id(id, use_hyphens=False, fix_compartments=False)[source]
cobra.io.sbml.get_libsbml_document(cobra_model, sbml_level=2, sbml_version=1, print_time=False, use_fbc_package=True)[source]

Return a libsbml document object for writing to a file. This function is used by write_cobra_model_to_sbml_file().

cobra.io.sbml.parse_legacy_id(the_id, the_compartment=None, the_type='metabolite', use_hyphens=False)[source]

Deals with a bunch of problems due to bigg.ucsd.edu not following SBML standards

the_id: String.

the_compartment: String.

the_type: String. Currently only ‘metabolite’ is supported

use_hyphens: Boolean. If True, double underscores (__) in an SBML ID will be converted to hyphens

cobra.io.sbml.parse_legacy_sbml_notes(note_string, note_delimiter=':')[source]

Deal with legacy SBML format issues arising from the COBRA Toolbox for MATLAB and BiGG.ucsd.edu developers.

cobra.io.sbml.read_legacy_sbml(filename, use_hyphens=False)[source]

read in an sbml file and fix the sbml id’s

cobra.io.sbml.write_cobra_model_to_sbml_file(cobra_model, sbml_filename, sbml_level=2, sbml_version=1, print_time=False, use_fbc_package=True)[source]

Write a cobra.Model object to an SBML XML file.

cobra_model: Model object

sbml_filename: The file to write the SBML XML to.

sbml_level: 2 is the only level supported at the moment.

sbml_version: 1 is the only version supported at the moment.

use_fbc_package: Boolean.
Convert the model to the FBC package format to improve portability. http://sbml.org/Documents/Specifications/SBML_Level_3/Packages/Flux_Balance_Constraints_(flux)

TODO: Update the NOTES to match the SBML standard and provide support for Level 2 Version 4 cobra.io.sbml3 module

class cobra.io.sbml3.Basic[source]

Bases: object

exception cobra.io.sbml3.CobraSBMLError[source]

Bases: Exception

cobra.io.sbml3.annotate_cobra_from_sbml(cobra_element, sbml_element)[source]
cobra.io.sbml3.annotate_sbml_from_cobra(sbml_element, cobra_element)[source]
cobra.io.sbml3.clip(string, prefix)[source]

clips a prefix from the beginning of a string if it exists

>>> clip("R_pgi", "R_")
cobra.io.sbml3.construct_gpr_xml(parent, expression)[source]

create gpr xml under parent node

cobra.io.sbml3.get_attrib(tag, attribute, type=<function <lambda>>, require=False)[source]
cobra.io.sbml3.indent_xml(elem, level=0)[source]

indent xml for pretty printing

cobra.io.sbml3.model_to_xml(cobra_model, units=True)[source]

replace prefixes with namespace


parses filename or compressed stream to xml

cobra.io.sbml3.parse_xml_into_model(xml, number=<class 'float'>)[source]
cobra.io.sbml3.read_sbml_model(filename, number=<class 'float'>, **kwargs)[source]
cobra.io.sbml3.set_attrib(xml, attribute_name, value)[source]

Utility function to convert a number to a string

cobra.io.sbml3.validate_sbml_model(filename, check_model=True)[source]

returns the model along with a list of errors

cobra.io.sbml3.write_sbml_model(cobra_model, filename, use_fbc_package=True, **kwargs)[source] Module contents